Rev. Sharon Dunn, M.A., Senior Minister
Rev. Sharon Dunn became the Senior Minister and Spiritual Director of the Sacramento Center for Spiritual Living (SCSL) in April, 2015. She has lived in Northern California most of her adult life and has long been an active member of the Religious Science community.
She first attended the Santa Rosa Church of Religious Science where, in 1994, Rev. Dr. Edward Viljoen became her first teacher. Rev. Sharon was initially licensed as a Practitioner in 2001 and in 2008 she began her ministerial training at the Santa Rosa Campus of the Holmes Institute. She graduated in 2011 with a Master’s Degree in Consciousness Studies.
Starting in 2001, Rev. Sharon became the Pastoral Care Director for the Oakland Center for Spiritual Living where she created a Pastoral Care educational model for the global community of Centers for Spiritual Living (CSL). In 2012, Rev. Sharon was licensed as a minister by CSL and accepted the position of Staff Minister at the Oakland CSL, where she continued to lead the Pastoral Care program and the Practitioner team, teach classes and lead workshops as well as step in to hold the community during the transition between Senior Ministers.
In September 2014, Rev. Sharon released her formal relationship with the Oakland CSL following the urging of her inner guidance developed through Visioning and prayer. In this space of openness, synchronicity and Divine Right Action, Rev. Sharon was invited to be a guest speaker at our Center and from there, her relationship with this community blossomed. Rev. Sharon was unanimously selected to be Senior Minister in March, 2015 and her first goal was to take us through the Affiliation Process with CSL; which we completed in August, 2015. In January, 2016, we celebrated both her formal Installation and her Ordination. Rev. Sharon is the mother of three, and the beloved “Tutu” for two grandchildren and multiple nieces and nephews, She and her husband, Chris, would have celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary in May, 2018 but sadly he made his transition on February 7, 2018. Rev. Sharon has a welcoming spirit and a genuine love of people. She loves family and considers her spiritual community both an extension of her family and an essential priority in her ministry. Holding a consciousness of love, communication, honoring of diverse cultures, ethnicity, and ability is what she stands for.
Rev. Patricia VanWoerkom
Rev. Patricia VanWoerkom, Associate Minister Rev. Patricia VanWoerkom is the Associate Minister for the Center. Science of Mind has been the core of her spiritual path for 30+ years. She’s still as excited about learning and sharing these ideas now as when she walked into her first RSI church in Monterey. She encourages everyone to come and join the conversation.
Debbie Putnam, RScP, Lead Practitioner
Debbie Putnam is the Lead Practitioner for the Center. Debbie brings her Science of Mind practice to everyday life and loves to help others up-level and transform their lives through the practical application of spiritual principles. Debbie has a deep background in New Thought and related teachings: Raised in Christian Science, she attended the Church of Religious Science (part of Centers for Spiritual Living) with her mom as a young adult, found Unity when her children were small, and settled with the Centers for Spiritual Living as her core spiritual path over 15 years ago. Debbie’s children attended the Center’s teen group, and Debbie has been a practitioner, teacher/TA, and guest speaker with the Center for 5+ years.
Linda Connolly, RScP
Debbie Putnam is the Lead Practitioner for the Center. Debbie brings her Science of Mind practice to everyday life and loves to help others up-level and transform their lives through the practical application of spiritual principles. Debbie has a deep background in New Thought and related teachings: Raised in Christian Science, she attended the Church of Religious Science (part of Centers for Spiritual Living) with her mom as a young adult, found Unity when her children were small, and settled with the Centers for Spiritual Living as her core spiritual path over 15 years ago. Debbie’s children attended the Center’s teen group, and Debbie has been a practitioner, teacher/TA, and guest speaker with the Center for 5+ years.
Margie Luekfeld, RScP
Debbie Putnam is the Lead Practitioner for the Center. Debbie brings her Science of Mind practice to everyday life and loves to help others up-level and transform their lives through the practical application of spiritual principles. Debbie has a deep background in New Thought and related teachings: Raised in Christian Science, she attended the Church of Religious Science (part of Centers for Spiritual Living) with her mom as a young adult, found Unity when her children were small, and settled with the Centers for Spiritual Living as her core spiritual path over 15 years ago. Debbie’s children attended the Center’s teen group, and Debbie has been a practitioner, teacher/TA, and guest speaker with the Center for 5+ years.
We are a welcoming Sanctuary Community where all are accepted, valued and supported in the global family.
We inspire personal and global transformation through the teachings of Science of Mind
In joy and love we connect in service to all life.